Journals in ORCA & other Library Storage

How do I find the exact journal volume I need when it is in ORCA (Online Remote Collections Access) or another library storage? 


First, to see and to request all the items housed in in the library's ORCA (Online Remote Collections Access) storage or other storage, please make sure you are signed into the library. For help with signing in to the library, please see this FAQ.

Journals in ORCA and other storage locations in the library are listed in OneSearch. Each volume can be requested to be pulled and sent to the Circulation Desk, and you will be contacted to pick it up.

To do this, select the REQUEST link next to the volume you would like retrieved. Then, input the required information to make your request.

There will be a Show More Items link to view all the volumes of a journal we have available in ORCA/storage. 

Here is a screenshot of a journal record with some of its volumes listed. Selecting the Show More Items link, circled in red near the bottom of the image, will show all of the volumes being held in ORCA/storage:

 Screencapture of Show More link to see more journal volumes





















You can also try the Filter button, which is a funnel-shaped icon on the top-right, next to LOCATE. This information is currently being updated, so at the moment, this may or may not have volume information to sort by. Here is a screenshot of the dropdown choices the Filter button shows after it is selected:

Screenshot of Filter button and what it shows, pointed out with red arrows


















For help with retrieving items from ORCA or other library storage, please contact

For help with researching your topic, please contact the CSULB librarian who is the subject specialist in your field.


  • Last Updated Aug 19, 2021
  • Views 53
  • Answered By Alexis Pavenick

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