ID, Login, Single Sign-On, MFA, Password? How do I get into the Library website?
Signing-On or logging into the Library website requires three things:
1. Your CSULB email
2. Your password
3. The Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) process, typically done through an app on your phone
These three things also sign you into all of your CSULB Apps, including MS Office, which has Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
For more information about how to use the MFA, and what to do if you do not have a phone to download the app, please see these webpages from our Academic Technology Services (ATS):
How to set up your phone with the MFA app
How to get a code when the phone app doesn't ask for approval
Further information in case the above links do not answer your question
And here is some background information about why we use this security system:
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) at CSULB
Microsoft Multi-Factor Authentication (MS MFA)
If you need further assistance with the Single Sign-On (SSO) process and the MFA addition: