When trying to get the full-text of some articles I am being asked to pay.

I am accessing articles through the CSULB library search. However, when trying to get the full-text of some articles it says I need to pay. The CSULB library site instructs me to use the "Get it at CSULB" white box, but that just loops me back to the CSULB search site information. In other words, each site sends me back to the other or wants me to pay. What am I missing?


It is possible that even though a specific article is listed in a database, our subscription to that journal may not include that specific article.

The University Library is able to get a copy of the article, at no charge to you, if you submit a request via CSU+.  To do that log in to CSU+ (link below) and use the citation information for the article to complete your request.

  • Last Updated Aug 19, 2022
  • Views 510
  • Answered By Joseph Aubele

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