How do I find peer reviewed articles?


  1. Go to the Library homepage:
  2. Under the Research drop-down menu, click Tools > Databases. Select from the alphabetical list or use the drop-down "All Subjects" menu to select a topic. Right next to the database title is an icon "i" icon that will give you more information about what is in that database. 
  3. Choose a database to search.
  4. Enter in keywords or subjects and you will get a list of articles containing your query. Depending on the database you choose, your list of articles will either include a link to the full text of the article or a button labeled, Get It @ CSULB which will take you either to the full text or a link where you can request the article.
  5. If the database has an option to limit results to Scholarly Articles and/or Peer Reviewed articles then check that box!
  • Last Updated Dec 01, 2017
  • Views 1524
  • Answered By Joseph Aubele

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