What is Reserves / eReserves?

What does it mean if an item is "on reserve"? Where is the Reserves Desk?


Print Reserves:

When an item is on reserve this means it is available for limited time checkout.  It can be at "Reserves (Reference)", or "Reserves (Circulation)".  "Reserves (Reference)" items can be found on a shelf near the reference section of the Library. "Reserves (Circulation)" items can be requested from the Circulation Desk, near the front door of the library. In both cases, check out your items at that front desk.

To find out where your item is, search for the item using the OneSearch catalog to find out where it is located.


The Library also has electronic reserves, or e-reserves, that you can access online, on or off campus. Your professor must give you a password to access your classes e-reserve items. Access them through OneSearch using the 'Course Reserves (CSULB)' option. They also might be directly linked to your Canvas course. 

For more information, read: Reserves Information for Students

  • Last Updated Aug 21, 2023
  • Views 739
  • Answered By University Library Webgroup

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