How do I cite an Assembly Bill in APA format

I am citing AB130and AB131. I need to cite in paragraph and reference page, but do not know how


There are multiple formats for the proper citing of legislative materials, including unenacted federal legislation as well as enacted legislation, in a reference/works cited page.

According to the Publication Manual of the APA, the proper form for citing a legislative bill (whether a state bill or federal legislation) is to begin with the abbreviation for the body from which the piece of legislation originated (e.g. S. for senate, H.R. for House of Representative, A.B. for Assembly Bill), the bill number, the congress in which the bill was considered/passed, and the year in which it was considered.

An properly formatted citation might look like this: S. 5936, 102d Cong. (1992).

Where a bill has a name the citation should look like this:
Equitable Health Care for Severe Mental Illnesses Act of 1993, H.R. 1563, 103d Cong. (1993).

Both of the samples above were taken directly from the Publication Manual of the APA.

For more help with APA citation style go to


  • Last Updated Sep 21, 2020
  • Views 33465
  • Answered By Gabriel Gardner

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