Where can I find theses and dissertations online?
Start at Library homepage: http://www.csulb.edu/library/
Choose "Databases by title"
Go to "D" and find _Dissertations & Theses_ database.
Search for desired dissertation or thesis, by author, by title, by school name, or by keyword.
Many, but NOT ALL, dissertations, and some theses (including nearly all of CSULB's) from 1996 forward are available full-text (if the author wishes). Some from before 1996 are also available full-text.
If the thesis or dissertation you are looking for is not available full-text, please contact the Research & Information Desk (562-985-4027) during open hours (http://csulb.libcal.com/hours.php#!m/255 ) and we can discuss your other options.