How do I find sources of funding for nonprofits?


Finding funding opportunities is challenging. Here are a couple strategies you might try.

  1. The library Reference Collection has several books on grant funding. To locate them use our OneSearch catalog. Then click on Advanced Search on the right. Type in grant* (asterisk serves as a wild card) in the first box. In the second box select "location" on the left and type "Reference". This will bring up a list of books with funding opportunities. Many of these are directories. Some are older, but the information in them is often still relevant.
  2. A second strategy, specifically aimed at finding corporate funding opportunities, is to Google "corporate philanthropy" (in quotes) along with the relevant type of nonprofit endeavor (e.g. arts, "social services"). This will bring up a wide variety of results. Look for organizations dedicated to corporate giving, companies that fund specific areas, etc.



  • Last Updated Jun 23, 2017
  • Views 42
  • Answered By Carol Perruso

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