How do I find journal articles?


  1. Go to the Library homepage:
  2. Use the OneSearch box, type in your keywords, and select "Articles" in the pull-down menu.  Search and you will get a list of articles.
  3. Many articles will have direct links to full-text, in some cases you may have to click a few times, or even request the article through CSU+, if it is one that CSULB does not own.
  4. Alternatively, especially for more subject specific searches, click Databases under the OneSearch box. Choose the appropriate subject (e.g. Psychology) in the pull down menu, and choose a database to search. Right next to each database title is an icon that will give you more information about what is in that database.
  5. Remember that the more keywords you use the fewer results you will get.

For more assistance, please contact a librarian. 

  • Last Updated Nov 16, 2023
  • Views 2624
  • Answered By Leslie Andersen

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