I need to find 3 articles on pros and cons of the death penalty?

I need to find scholarly articles for a paper I have to write. The paper should be 3 pages long and should take a pro or con stand on the issue.


Search the database Opposing Viewpoints to find article on the topic from various viewpoints. Start from the Databases by Title Letter -O-. Choose Opposing Viewpoints and then type in your topic, like death penalty. A screen comes up with document options. Choose Academic Journal for peer-reviewed/scholarly articles. Choose Viewpoints (not all are scholarly) if you need to determine your viewpoint for the paper. 

Another option is to search the database Academic Search Complete to find articles on the topic. Type in your topic, but this time use the filter on the left column to limit to Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals. You should see a large number of articles, to refine your search for a smaller selection using the left column click on the term: Subject: Thesaurus Term to see what the actual subject headings are for your topic. A subject search is better.


  • Last Updated Nov 16, 2023
  • Views 222
  • Answered By University Library Webgroup

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